Since 1980

TUFNOL Since 1980 Today, developments of radically new synthetic resin materials depend largely on major new advances in resin technology and on commercial availability. Such advances are quite rare and…

From 1960 to 1980

TUFNOL – From 1960 to 1980 In the early 1960s, the management of TUFNOL launched a major program to develop a range of innovative materials, using the very best versions…

From 1940 to 1960

TUFNOL – From 1940 to 1960 As more and more designers grew aware of the advantages of lightness, strength and wear resistance, TUFNOL materials were used for many new applications…

Early Development

George Ellison – electrical engineer and entrepreneur TUFNOL Laminated Plastics were the brainchild of Birmingham-based electrical engineer and entrepreneur, George Ellison. Originally from Runcorn in Cheshire, he was educated at…

What is TUFNOL?

TUFNOL is a proprietary brand of laminated plastic material. It has been made in Birmingham, England since the mid-1920s and is one of the pioneering types of resin bonded plastic…